
Real Estate Financing

There are multiple ways to achieve financing real estate. One can use personal funds, possibly supplemented by loans from family members and friends. Bank financing is also a commonly used method to arrange financing. For many people, this poses a barrier, as a bank loan often comes with the payment of interest. This is an aspect that many come into conflict with due to religious principles. Hadi Dari offers the opportunity to put you in contact with the right financial institutions, for both regular financing and for financing under Islamic standards.

Calculation of the Real Estate Loan

Required Documents for Your Credit Application

To process your credit application efficiently, we ask you to provide the following documents. Please fill out the form below and upload the required documents. Our team will review the information provided and process your request as soon as possible. Rest assured that your information will be securely transmitted to the bank.

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The financing according to Islamic standards will take place through the Murabaha method. Murabaha is a financing method offered to clients to enable them to acquire real estate on credit. It is a sales contract in which the bank sells a property it owns or acquires at the client’s request to the client at the acquisition price, plus a pre-agreed profit margin.

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